Wednesday, December 21, 2005


I'm conflicted about Christmas. Always. Every year. I set myself up for success. I put a little tree up, I put lights up outside. I send a personalized card. My nephews and nieces get presents. I go to Target. This year I even had a party. It's all so exhausting!

I wish I could be one of the cool people: those of you who are non-conformist. I know some of these people! Those who ignore the entire thing and shop after Christmas. People who eat take-out Indian food. I wish I could be one of those people. I could take a pill and wake up after the new year. Now there's a holiday!

Maybe it's because I read Dickens as a young boy. I don't know. However I try, I can't kick this habit. Celebrating Christmas. I mean...I must have lights and a little tree. I must have cards. I must have Target runs. These are basics and I wish I didn't get a warm, fuzzy feeling from sitting with all the lights up except for the tree with a glass of something in my hand. I do like giving presents more than receiving. I like to see excitement in kids' faces. I like pajamas on Christmas morning and champagne and soup on Christmas Eve. Like those boys from "Brokeback Mountain"....I CAN'T QUIT YOU, CHRISTMAS! I CAN'T QUIT YOU!

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