Monday, January 31, 2005

A long day ending with Wal Mart

I saw Phantom of the Opera today which was not a complete waste of my life. I thought it pretty well done. I saw the show and have to say that the movie was better. However, bordered a bit on tedium and the melodrama sometimes made me laugh. Then I went to our new Super Wal-Mart. I have to say I'm glad I went as I found some fun material for my loveseat. I also saw some of the most bizarre people ever, but I didn't have to bump into them every second like the older and smaller Wal-Mart. I'm afraid I'm still a Target boy, though.

Check out Joshilyn Jackson's new website. Go Gods!

Joshily Jackson's "Gods in Alabama" arrives in stores in April. Be sure to check out her website. Joshilyn Posted by Hello

Kristen Smith has a new job!

Kristen Smith has a new job! At REI Corporate Headquarters. She is now in the travel department. Congrats Kristen!
Kristen Smith at Camp Muir--January 2005. Ain't much snow in Washington. Hang in there, Kristen! (Photo by Mr. Smith) Posted by Hello

Lydia with a student at Chicago Dramatists. My Lydia...a mentor! Posted by Hello

Lydia Diamond has a new play!

Scroll down to link up to Lydia's new play at the Steppenwolf! Say Hi to Malkovich for me!
Lydia Diamond...the most beautiful playwright ever! Posted by Hello

"The Bluest Eye" plays Steppenwolf!

One of my best friends, Lydia Diamond, has a new play at Steppenwolf Theatre in Chicago! Her play, an adaptation of Toni Morrison's THE BLUEST EYE, is sure to wow audiences. Lydia has already been produced at the Goodman Theatre with THE GIFT HORSE. I was there and it was a great production of a play from one of my favorite voices. I'm only happy that the rest of the world can finally hear Lydia's words. Congrats Lydia!

Sunday, January 30, 2005

After calling in sick to work, I worked all afternoon at the box office for "Always...Patsy Cline". We cancelled a show last night and added one for this evening (an hour earlier. You can imagine what began to happen.) I stayed all afternoon and was relieved I wasn't serving people food. I admit it: I'm burnt out.

Weather went into the upper 40's. Most of all the ice melted as did people's foul temperments. I'm glad to live in a place where the melt happens so both cases.

Reading tonight. "I am My Own Wife" and "Say you love Satan". Plays to read! Tea and reading. What I love.

Goodnight, Moon.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Snow on Saturday

The world is white again here. It is really snowing! Alphie, Jeff, Sawyer and I are drinking coffee (not the baby!) and watching all the windows fill with flakes. I hope pancakes are in my future! The girls (Carson, Jessica and Merrie) are opening the Over Easy today. The new re-vamped Asheville breakfast icon. Good luck girls!

Snow came this morning
I woke up with the dog in the bed
Little cries from the crib
Night over
Let's curl up in a ball
Go to all of our cribs
Lie here for a little while longer

How great it is
A little water, a little cold
To slow us down
Silver fish in a bowl
If you see us on the hill
You'll see our noses pressed
against the glass
How is the world really?

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Snow! Snow! Snow!

Yes, it's snowing and the winds are gusting strong. A blizzardy evening. Will wake up to what...we don't know. Trees are down, though. I am home in my warm bed. I've got candles and tuna and hot cocoa and eggs. I'll be fine tomorrow. Faith.

Great picture by Joshilyn of the Space Needle in Seattle Posted by Hello


We wait on snow. Will it or won't it? "Always...Patsy Cline" is running, so we hope not as there is a full house tonight.

I love the expectation of snow. There is some mid-level excitement in the air suddenly. Children with their faces pressed against windows. Squinting to see any flake. Adult time is so different and snow means yet another obstacle. Man vs. nature. We wait, anyway.

We are deep in winter.

Friday, January 21, 2005

A long day

There was a party at 4am this morning raging across the street. Voices bouncing back and forth and you'd think it was all from a dream I was having. The cold keeps no one down when they don't want to be down.

Last night went to dinner and saw Martin Scorcese's "The Aviator". Say what you want about his movies, they're never boring. I liked the movie...a little long, but he gives us every read cent of our admission price.

Today I work back to back jobs until 1 am. Talk about not wanting to be down. I'm hanging in there in January! I will not be stopped!

Cold and a bit warmer this morning. A bad sign for snow. We're supposed to get some this weekend. I love the snow out my windows, but don't want to be about in it. I will have to be, though. Good day!

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Winter Night

Tonight I walked down the hill in my victorian neighborhood. Orion was rising above, chasing the bear or the lion or scorpio. Celestial cages. This man with his bow posed to hunt the animals until he is tiny past the zenith. A spinning tent of stars. Pushed up on the poles of the ages hanging in a forever canopy over my head.

A light comes on in one house in the very top window. A woman's head is framed in it and just as suddenly the lights went out. I see my own lighted windows. Their warmth calling for me and promising a bed and hot cup of tea. Suddenly my loneliness lifts and I smile and stand for a little while longer. Watching the ancient night.

Dark chocolate chips, some sleepytime tea and me

I'm a playwright living in the mountains and need to get some stuff out! This blog might be a great way to prose it up...