Friday, January 21, 2005

A long day

There was a party at 4am this morning raging across the street. Voices bouncing back and forth and you'd think it was all from a dream I was having. The cold keeps no one down when they don't want to be down.

Last night went to dinner and saw Martin Scorcese's "The Aviator". Say what you want about his movies, they're never boring. I liked the movie...a little long, but he gives us every read cent of our admission price.

Today I work back to back jobs until 1 am. Talk about not wanting to be down. I'm hanging in there in January! I will not be stopped!

Cold and a bit warmer this morning. A bad sign for snow. We're supposed to get some this weekend. I love the snow out my windows, but don't want to be about in it. I will have to be, though. Good day!

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