Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Countdown to Christmas

So I'm completely fried with Christmas. Cards have been sent out, trips to Michael's done and Christmas decor is a decor as it's going to be. I CAN'T GO TO TARGET ONE MORE TIME!! Serious overload. I stood in the middle of the groovy ornament section and wanted to go lie down in bikes. There's too much color, too much music...too, too much. But what if your nephew wants a certain book...you have to go to Target. It's either that or Barnes and Noble and...I'm completely over them. And the internet? Well, they don't get anything there on time. Not the book people..unless you pay the amount of shipping that COSTS MORE THAN THE BOOK!

Oh, and I'm having a party Friday night. My first party in Asheville. A Christmas party. Couldn't I have started with a cookout. Jenny and Scott (alphabetical order) give these world famous parties. (Anyone remember "The Old Whore" party or "Wolfest 2005"? How to live up to the legend? Well, I've brought in Hunt Scarritt to make his world famous gumbo. (Gettin out the big guns). Also, I'm concentrating on a good mix of Christmas and dance music.

Tonight is baking night. I have to fix cookies and pre-stuff, so I'm not caught Thursday night buying the nasty bakery items at the grocery store. (Forgive me, they have the best coconut cake) Wish me luck that I don't completely poop out. Oh, and Merry Christmas.

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