Monday, February 28, 2005

Oscar Night

So we had Oscar night at Alphie and Jeff's. Sawyer had been throwing up all day. We're afraid that he had recently watched Renee Zelwegger at the Golden Globes and was being a copy cat. Not to worry...he was only a sick little boy. Get better Sawyer!

However, we did root for our favorites. We were disappointed for Annette Benning. Sorry, Annette. You'll get an Oscar when you play a paralegic. Seemed it was the year to lie in bed and get your Oscar. Not fair. Hillary did a great job and "Million Dollar Baby" was one of the best films of this last year.

We had cheese and champagne (I drank sparkling apple cider) and beer and etc. Everyone made quick work on the red carpet. We didn't care for Drew's look...despite the critics who did. We also didn't care for Scarlett Johansen's hair. Get it together, will ya?

I know this is all superficial stuff. However, some people yell at rich football players...we yell at rich movie stars. No one is hurt in the melee as we keep it to ourselves and I doubt that any of the stars read this blog...and unlike Sean Penn...have a sense of humor if they do.

We have had a couple of inches of wet snow. Flew in on big chunky flakes. Will be slush by noon. A good excuse to stay inside.

One more thing, Morgan's about time! He's the best. I have never seen him give a bad performance, but this time he gave one to rival all his others....Congrats Morgan...Oh! And Cate Blanchett! We love her!

We wish all the nominees congrats as they provided us with much entertainment. What up with Dustin and Al being drunk? Did they not know they were going to present?

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