Monday, February 28, 2005

Rah! Rah!

Sarah cheers! She's the one on the far right.

It's about time for Cate and Morgan, right? Wouldn't you love to have them over for something...water...anything?

Oscar Night

So we had Oscar night at Alphie and Jeff's. Sawyer had been throwing up all day. We're afraid that he had recently watched Renee Zelwegger at the Golden Globes and was being a copy cat. Not to worry...he was only a sick little boy. Get better Sawyer!

However, we did root for our favorites. We were disappointed for Annette Benning. Sorry, Annette. You'll get an Oscar when you play a paralegic. Seemed it was the year to lie in bed and get your Oscar. Not fair. Hillary did a great job and "Million Dollar Baby" was one of the best films of this last year.

We had cheese and champagne (I drank sparkling apple cider) and beer and etc. Everyone made quick work on the red carpet. We didn't care for Drew's look...despite the critics who did. We also didn't care for Scarlett Johansen's hair. Get it together, will ya?

I know this is all superficial stuff. However, some people yell at rich football players...we yell at rich movie stars. No one is hurt in the melee as we keep it to ourselves and I doubt that any of the stars read this blog...and unlike Sean Penn...have a sense of humor if they do.

We have had a couple of inches of wet snow. Flew in on big chunky flakes. Will be slush by noon. A good excuse to stay inside.

One more thing, Morgan's about time! He's the best. I have never seen him give a bad performance, but this time he gave one to rival all his others....Congrats Morgan...Oh! And Cate Blanchett! We love her!

We wish all the nominees congrats as they provided us with much entertainment. What up with Dustin and Al being drunk? Did they not know they were going to present?

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Celtic or Laker: The boy has got it!

David blocks another guy doing something, so that the other guy can't score...or something. Basketball. Anyway, they tied the best team in the league. What's with the ref with the afro? I think the afro's back. Congrats David!

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


There's not been much in the form of an entry (except pictures of the kids) I've been sick on and off which makes me extremely tired. I have done nothing but work and lie down. Work and lie down.

Tonight I worked a banquet (A pig pickin': real name) with a bunch of Pier One managers. They can sure scream. I worked the wiffle ball in the basket game when one of the inroom dining guys bailed on it. Coaching managers to get the ball in the basket by imagining that it was a stack of wine glasses, etc. I didn't get a deal on any wicker items, so I felt it was a bust.

It's late and I've had a long day. These twelve hour days kill me. I'm ready for bed. I'll talk more at a later time.

Look at these precious children who are my blood. Aren't they the cutest?

David is a Boy Scout now.

Sarah in "Around the World" program at her school. She is the geisha at far right.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Introducing Sarah and David

This is David and Sarah on their first day back from summer at Viking Hills Elementary School.
David and Sarah are the children of Kim and Darryl . They are both fun to be around. One of them really enjoys reading, while one of them really enjoys other things: dinosaurs, space; pine wood derby cars. They are also my niece and nephew. Their mom is my sister.

This is my nephew, David. Here he is with a fish of some sort.
David recently "crossed over" and became a Boy Scout. Congratulations David!

This is my niece, Sarah .
Sarah loves to read and so do I. We like a good reader. Rock on Sarah!

Tuesday, February 15, 2005


So yesterday Carson and I went to Greenville. I had a need to go to an Old Navy and eat at a chain restaurant...on Valentine's Day. What was I thinking?!

Old Navy was cheerful enough. Bright colors in a flourescent, warehouse setting always gives me a goose. Also, a $1.97 baseball shirt with a marlin on it gave me a bigger one.

Of course, at the restaurant the entree came out before the app. Three people tried to bring it out. I finally had to say, "No food yet!" Like a minor Napoleon. I'm thoroughly ashamed that I can't get an app before an entree on my day off. We waiters are sticklers for the leisurely lunch and we're horrible to have to wait on. No matter what anyone says.

They were selling roses at the bar. I include this little item because that's supposed to happen during the day. Roses from the bar! Oh, it was wasted on Carson and me. We were anti-cupid. Her boyfriend was out-of-town and my boyfriend has yet to show.

We rented and watched "Annie Hall" which is a great cynic's Valentine movie. I recommend it to anyone who has loved another or at least loved New York. Carson made stir-fry (yum!) and I made contented grunting noises on the floor. Seems like something I would've done with a boyfriend except I would have grunted on the floor with him. Not by myself. Oh, well, c'est la vie!

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Valentine's Day...yuck! Enough already. I waited on the Sweethearts ball at the Grove Park Inn last night. Nothing more depressing than seeing a ball room full of people getting drunk in celebration of their love for each other. Blow the candles out; let the flowers die...tomorrow is truly a black day!

Friday, February 11, 2005

Arthur Miller 1915-2005

Arthur Miller 1915-2005.
Arthur Miller died today. A great icon gone and we remember him with great respect. His play "Death of a Salesman" has always moved me tremendously. I am sad I will never meet the man.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Joshilyn Jackson's cover of her first published novel, "Gods in Alabama". Pre-order your copy for its debut in April 2005!

Monday, February 07, 2005

Ski Day

We (Carson, Ross and Chris) went to Wolf Laurel a skiin' today. Quite a lot of fun. I fell a lot and slid down mountains a lot, but finally got the rust off my skis. A fun day. Hillbillies and skiing has never been a thing I've ever thought possible. Well, I'm here to tell is.

Not much snow here and unless it gets cold again, not much more skiing either. Slushy, but sunny today. We did see patches of grass and mud, but we simply wooshed around them. All for today.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

High Spirits with Roberta

Roberta McDonald has been recovering from a small (small?!*$#@) hip surgery. Nothing major, but I hear she's knitting for Jesus. Oh, the femur, Roberta. For Christ's sake, stay off the femur! Here she is as Madame Arcarti in "High Spirits" at her beloved Golden Apple Dinner Theatre. Roberta was once felt up by Richard she's a trooper. Keep your chin up, Roberta. Get better! I love you!

Is that Liza or Kyle? You go Kyle. She looks great doesn't she? Rosalind Russell/Donna your heart out! "Wonderful Town" runs through March 3.

Kyle is ravishing in blue. More "Wonderful Town" photos.

Kyle with a bunch of Navy men...Oh, is a Wonderful Town after all!

Bragging about more friends...Here my little petite Kyle Turoff plays the big sister in "Wonderful Town" at the Golden Apple Dinner Theatre in Sarasota, Florida. I, myself, have played here.

Kyle is a hit in "Wonderful Town"

A friend of mine recently called to ask if there was anymore blog besides the Wal-Mart blah, blah, blah. I say...there is! Of course there is! More blog and this one is dedicated to my friend Kyle Turoff!

Kyle and I met while attending the University of West Florida. I was a lonely theatre student new to the ways of Ben and Jerry's and tap shoes. Kyle was an experience hoofer with an eye for talent. Of course, she had her eye on me. Picked me out of group of almost twenty and the rest is history.

Now she has become a legend. Doing more shows than I can count. We actually, finally got to do a show together. "How the Other Half Loves" Ahh...the memories. I then went on to be directed by her in "Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat".

My friend Kyle Turoff is knocking them dead once again as Ruth Sherwood in "Wonderful Town". As you may remember Rosalind Russell was the original star of this show. She ain't got nothing on Kyle! Congratulations Kyle!

She's been getting great reviews.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

For K

(So, "K" thought this blog was a good idea, but wanted more on my Wal-Mart experience. So, For "K")

I ride the bus to Wal-Mart. Let's begin there. A woman with a "Honk if you're horny" button sits across from me. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to honk as she's sitting across from me. Nor do I think honking on public transportation is appropriate. I couldn't possibly honk on public transportation. I always have mass guilt about honking at public transportation. This is like honking at a "special" bus to me. I've been on the bus when someone's honking at us. "Jackass", I always think. We are a group of people. If we got off this bus, we'd kill you. Especially the woman with the button. She looks as if she's ready to go at anytime. So my dilemma is finally quelled by the fact that I remember that I'm not horny. This blend of Supercenter anticipation and the smell of the crazy-eyed man in the desert camoflauge jacket behind me, puts on lid on any need to express myself sexually. There's nothing sexy about being on the bus.

After I arrive, past the packed McDonald's, ( Something's wrong about blending fast food with auto parts, silk flowers and women's sweat pants.), I have to strategize. I have an hour before I have to be back on the bus. I'm immediately overwhelmed, however, and begin planning two hours. There's furniture, slip covers, photos, electronics, a brush with the garden center...I can't even venture into the soaps, candles, lotions and shaving products...I'm no fool. I know my limitations. Two hours is not enough time to decide between the SPFs in face moisturizer.

In front of the electronics section there's a bin marked, "Two DVD's for $11". A group of sarangetti scavengers surround this waterhole of abysmal movies. I do not lie when I say a rather large woman is physically in the bin. Her feet off the ground she drinks deep from the well of movies like the classic "My Sister's Keeper" or the beloved "Houseparty III". She cradles the movies like a small child while a small child runs in circles around the bin.

Don't even ask about the Video Games...I don't even attempt that aisle. I was actually pushed by a large blond woman while looking at the audio recording devices. It was either her or me and I stepped back to let her get to that impulse buy. "How many of these people are recording their thoughts?" I wonder. Then I remember seeing many of these devices on "Judge Judy". "Can I play something for you, Judge Judy?" Usually the tapes are full of drunk, cussing loved ones saying that they hoped the accused/accusor died. This is where it starts. Maybe Linda Tripp made this very journey before meeting Monica at that food court? Perhaps she hatched her plan between scarfing a Quarter Pounder and finding a floral print swag for her dining room bay window?

I live in the mountains of North Carolina and a Wal-Mart Supercenter seems to be like a beacon that lights up every hillbilly door from here to Tennessee. They pour into the store with every conceivable facial contortion that makes me mock "Nell" with Jodie Foster more than ever. These people are part of civilization while "Nell" who was sequestered high on a mountain without human contact had beautiful straight white teeth? Who does she think she's fooling? Jodie! Not a lot of research on that role, huh? Come to the Wal-Mart. Darwin's iguanas have nothing on these people.

There is a mother and daughter drinking gas station tubs of soda who I watch throw away their cups and go right into the McDonald's and get two more. As I watch them I see the daughter hit the mother in the face.

There's a man with a shotgun marching to the gun department. I'm thinking return? I want to follow him, but think better of it. I hear no shots, so I suppose the customer service was up to par.

There is a rat faced boy with his face pressed up to a flat screened t.v. playing Barbershop II.

I hit my hour and a half mark and start to hyperventalate. Where is the exit???!!! I check out with Lisa who looks all of a haggard 16. Her world weariness makes me feel sprightly in comparison. Dark circles around her eyes and I think I see crows feet! She is none too pleased that my bag of disposable razors won't scan and instead of punching in the sku number she grows increasingly violent. I watch "Good News" on the package over and over again until finally a miraculous beep occurs...five times. This sends Lisa spiralling into disgust and she cuts her eyes at me as if I have some sort of demonic control over her scanner.

Finally, bag of shame...happy face on my bag...I go out into the packed parking lot.

Post show discussion of "The Bluest Eye". Lydia is to the left in the green shirt.  Posted by Hello

A picture from the production at Steppenwolf of Lydia's "The Bluest Eye". The adaptation is from Toni Morrison's novel. Posted by Hello

Lydia at the post show of "The Bluest Eye". Isn't she lovely? Posted by Hello

"The Bluest Eye" by Lydia Diamond opened on February 1st. Posted by Hello

Our Wal-Mart. Posted by Hello

Our local groundhog didn't see his shadow. That supposedly means an early spring for us! Poor thing I'm sure just wanted to be away from children touching him. HAPPY GROUNDHOG DAY...A DAY LATE. Posted by Hello


A nice glaze of ice is covering the trees outside. I like the word, "glaze". To me it's always sweet. You gaze at the glaze.

We have had a bit of freezing rain. Not to worry, we'll be warmer by noon. Everything will melt and then be forgotten. Winter comes and goes in hours. The bony trees still remind me of the season. Many mysteries uncovered in the naked branches. Before long the fine coat of green leaves and the little world inside the tree.

Early in the morning and I put off my coffee and breakfast. Lie in the bed reading "The World According to Garp". Wait for the first light. There are no sounds outside or in. The blowing of the heater through the vents. The click of the keys.