Monday, February 06, 2006


Come celebrate women and a very special part of them.
Details to follow. Stay tuned. If you don't know these
women, then you need to get to know them. Anne Sexton and
Sylvia Plath. (Don't watch the Gwenyth Paltrow movie) Read
the poetry. Anyway, keep reading.

tulip or symbol of woman hood? you decide
I'm putting together a special night in my utility van to go to this great production for a good cause. We'll be going opening night. SEE you there? If you're not comfortable riding in a utility van with a bunch of drunk and rauncy women...feel free to convoy. Let's support Beth! She's directing.

I am directing Western Carolina University's production of Eve Ensler's The Vagina Monologues, and I would love to see each of your lovely faces in the audience. Show and ticket info is below.

As you may know, The Vagina Monologues is performed internationally in conjunction with V-Day, a global campaign to end violence against women and girls. Proceeds of this performance will benefit REACH of Jackson County, WCU Women's Center, and the V-Day Spotlight on "Comfort Women."

Hope to see you there. And please pass along to anyone you know who loves vaginas!

Wednesday Feb. 15 & Thursday Feb. 16
7:00 p.m. (Seating is general admission, so arrive well before 7)
WCU Fine and Performing Arts Center Theatre
Tickets: $10 General / $5 Students -- Call 828.227.7450, or purchase at University Center Room 319 (WCU), CIty Lights Books (downtown Sylva), Osondu Books (Main Street Waynesville)

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