Monday, April 11, 2005

Well! Its been awhile. I've been to Boston and New Hampshire and Vermont and back home again. Was nice seeing a different landscape for awhile. The lakes were still icy and there was still about six inches of snow on the ground in some places. Didn't get to hike Mt. Washington as it rained and blew ice most of that Saturday.

Went to Squam Lake where they filmed "On Golden Pond". There's really nothing there but houses on the lake, so I drove around it. A very beautiful lake with very little commercialization. Quiet little houses. A crust of ice with the sun shining on it.

I did miss a moose trapsin' through the backyard at Bonnie and Wally's . We were out to dinner and I guess the moose was just having his. Anyway, we missed my first moose. I was close, however, and was told that the tracks were still visible when I left.

OH! I saw my first shaker village. I also saw Peyton Place: Gilmanton, NH. Drove around trying to find Grace Metalious' grave , but to no avail. I don't think some people know that they're living in Peyton Place. Not too many people knew what I was talking about.

I did get some good reading time in. Saw Vermont for the first time. Ate lunch in Woodstock. The Yankee Book Shop had Joshilyn Jackson's book: Gods in Alabama. I was very excited and have been reading it. A great read and I'm so truly proud of her. Pick up the book!

Anyhoo...I'm back and good to be home in my bed. I'm now going to bed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I lived in Gilmanton for a while and every summer as a kid, people would stop me and ask me, "Is this Peyton Place?" I'd roll my eyes and answer yes and always give them bad directions to her house or to her grave site. The reason...I didn't know exactly where it was! Contrary to what most people believe, the people in town care very little about Peyton Place and Grace Metalious. It always humors me when you read articles about how people are still pissed off at Grace Metalious for the shame and notoriety she brought to the town. It's utter nonsense.