Saturday, March 19, 2005

Vacation--Where are you?

Tonight is the last night of "A Few Good Men" at ACT. We have one more matinee tomorrow. I sit at the box office and sip a Diet Coke.

A stressful day. I'm over my job and am ready for a vacation. Boston and New Hampshire here I come! I'm ready to see a little civilization: men in ties, insensitive people, the appetizer before the entree. Can't wait! I'm officially burnt out and don't know which end is up. I'm sure I'll have fun trying to find out.

Off to Boston to take in the city for a couple of days and then...drum roll...New Hampshire! We're hiking to Tuckerman's Ravine on Mt. Washington. Lovely Mt. Washington is in the White Mountains. There may be snow. We don't know. Cross your fingers for lovely weather. Then back to Bonnie and Wally's for a party. I will be gone March 30-April 5th.

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