Thursday, December 15, 2005

The Weather Outside is Frightful

This is the top of Mt. Mitchell. Mostly ice and fog and oh, dreariness!

Here on the ground in Asheville it was a disgusting morning. An ice storm! Such a nasty thing. A glaze on everything. I hate glazes. Even on desserts. Enough with glazing things. As if everything is being daintily brushed with frozen water. You couldn't really even call it ice. Such a cowardly display of nature. And very distructive. A sucker punch in the back! Give me anything, but the wet, cold, frozen mud and muck!

O.K. I'm done and go back to work and then home to ready myself for the party. Tomorrow night. I'm excited and stressed. Having a good party requires some work. More on that later.

Hunt is here and is making gumbo! We'll have NOLA refugee gumbo at the party. A great treat! I'll let you know how it goes.

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