Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I'm up and running...again!

So Kristen wanted me to get back to my blog. So...here I am. I'm a new blogger, so I wasn't aware that if you didn't do it everyday, people wouldn't read any longer. For shame.

I am now the Site Supervisor for the Eastern National for the Folk Art Center in the Blue Ridge Parkway National Park. Basically I run an information desk/bookstore. I'm quite happy with the job so far. It combines the retail experience that I have with nature and non-profit. A better gig than the mall!

Alphie, Jeff and Sawyer have gone off to Puerto Rico, so I'm renting their house. A good gig for me. I'm finally unpacked and have gotten Christmas up and running. I have to say, I'm proud of the job we've all done getting it together.

O.K....So Kristen, this entry's for you. Kristen just got back from Chile. Biking! Good show Kristen!

Oh! I just recently closed a show at Asheville Community Theatre. I played John Curtis in the world premiere of Dearly Beloved. Coming to a theratre near you. That means I was the first one to play him. Look for my name in the Dramtist's edition coming soon. This is me with Michael Pruitt playing Dub Dubberly. Yes!

So now I've updated you a bit. Hunt's on his way to spend the holidays with me. You remember him. He was the one that was in Hurricane Katrina. Anyway, he's coming north and we should see him in a few days.

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