Saturday, March 19, 2005

Vacation--Where are you?

Tonight is the last night of "A Few Good Men" at ACT. We have one more matinee tomorrow. I sit at the box office and sip a Diet Coke.

A stressful day. I'm over my job and am ready for a vacation. Boston and New Hampshire here I come! I'm ready to see a little civilization: men in ties, insensitive people, the appetizer before the entree. Can't wait! I'm officially burnt out and don't know which end is up. I'm sure I'll have fun trying to find out.

Off to Boston to take in the city for a couple of days and then...drum roll...New Hampshire! We're hiking to Tuckerman's Ravine on Mt. Washington. Lovely Mt. Washington is in the White Mountains. There may be snow. We don't know. Cross your fingers for lovely weather. Then back to Bonnie and Wally's for a party. I will be gone March 30-April 5th.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Happy St. Patrick's Day

We got a couple of inches of snow. Daffodils have started to bloom; something is sweet about the snow and the daffodils. Almost a promise that spring is truly coming. We are optimists--taking this snow to be our last. Well, Jeff has declared it spring. It's official.

The groundhogs are out like cats. Isn't that a sign?

St. Patrick's Day is a non-event for us non-drinkers. I've spent the day re-organizing things at work. Anything not to think about the Guinness and the Irish Whiskey. I can hear the whooping every once-in-a-while: drunks coming home. I've gotten through it and off to bed now. Good night.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Two days at the theatre

Have had not one, but two nights of culture. Yesterday afternoon, the St. Petersburgh Ballet and tonight "Crazy for You". Meg and Alphie and I spent out Sunday afternoon watching these amazing athletes rush through the air! I was really into the Scheherezade (sp?) and the "italian" masque part. They make it all look so easy. Alphie thought a part in the Scheherezade was too long and wondered about one of the leads wearing a flesh netting over her middrift...(doesn't she know Britney's made it OK to go middle-less?) A little toy poodle of a lady in back of me criticized me and my neighbor for being too tall. I told her to get bring a phone book next time.

"Crazy for You" was good, too. The chorus was wonderful and thrilling. The lead was fine, but the cast was way too young. Loved the music and it was a truly "bus and truck" experience. The Thomas Wolfe theatre is a cavern and the accoustics stink beyond measure. Oh...the lighting was uneven and the sound was muddled. I had a good time, anyway. I root people on through the mess of live theatre. There is still nothing like it.

I sat there by myself. Usually, I go to the theatre by myself. My chance to be alone and drift off into the plays. I can truly listen when I'm not too wrapped up in my neighbor. Also, I can see the audience and I like to see how they're affected by the performances. I used to feel nervous for the performances. Not anymore. Now, I get excited for them. What an opportunity to be on stage. You have this shot and you can do anything. Anything!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Kristen has a beautiful new Novara bike! Kristen rides to Kent from Seattle to work at REI HQuarters. Watch out for her out there on the street!

Saturday, March 05, 2005

" A Few Good Men" has opened!

"A Few Good Men" has opened at ACT

Click this link to check out "A Few Good Men" at ACT. Tickets are on sale now!

This is the stuff I'm talkin' about.

Ballroom Dancing, Midori Coladas and moments

As I was sitting watching couples glide around the floor today, (Ballroom dancing finals at the Grove Park Inn) thought how bizarre my life is. Here I am sitting watching couples ballroom dance!

I've climbed a mountain and learned to ski. I've worked as a waiter, a retail manager, I've sold oriental rugs. I've ridden my bike to a spring and drank margaritas after in the same bar the Bush girls were busted in. I've had Kathy Bates lean on my arm and tell me about working with Mike Nichols. I've sipped medori coladas at the Delano hotel in South Beach, Florida. I have sat on a movie set in Hammond, Louisiana and watched my friend Hunt film a scene. Then I thought how this moment: this one moment in time with the sparkling gowns and the tango playing. I thought, " Have this moment. This beautiful moment. Sink into it."

How beautiful life can be. Suddenly. With a rush of light and color. The illusion of it. The moments of sheer beauty. For life can be this. When the dance that we all participate in becomes art. More than the steps. Beyond the technicalities. When you sink and lean in a little, life begins to flow.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Lazy Day

There's been snow on and off today. Quite a white out this morning with about an inch made whiter by the sun coming out and melting it all away. Wind is blowing cold and the inside becomes warmer and warmer. I don't want to leave the house, but I did for a time: volunteer box office work at ACT, then off for paper towels and a burrito at Mamacitas. Yum!

Alphie has been called for jury selection. We wait to see if she's been chosen. I'm afraid they don't know with whom they are dealing with. She'll be jury foreman before we know it. She tells me the judge has compared prejudice to mayonnaise. "I might not like mayonnaise, but I can't stop other people likin' it." Amen!

Back to work tomorrow. An early rise followed by a positive work attitude. Sure.

Happy March 1st. It's come in like a lion.