Sunday, February 06, 2005

Kyle is a hit in "Wonderful Town"

A friend of mine recently called to ask if there was anymore blog besides the Wal-Mart blah, blah, blah. I say...there is! Of course there is! More blog and this one is dedicated to my friend Kyle Turoff!

Kyle and I met while attending the University of West Florida. I was a lonely theatre student new to the ways of Ben and Jerry's and tap shoes. Kyle was an experience hoofer with an eye for talent. Of course, she had her eye on me. Picked me out of group of almost twenty and the rest is history.

Now she has become a legend. Doing more shows than I can count. We actually, finally got to do a show together. "How the Other Half Loves" Ahh...the memories. I then went on to be directed by her in "Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat".

My friend Kyle Turoff is knocking them dead once again as Ruth Sherwood in "Wonderful Town". As you may remember Rosalind Russell was the original star of this show. She ain't got nothing on Kyle! Congratulations Kyle!

She's been getting great reviews.

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